The other evening my wife made appointments for us to get our Moderna booster shots. I promptly forgot about it. Wife: "How could you forget this. Our appointments are today at the Payless Pharmacy in Lafayette, the one near the Mall. We'll have to drive separately because I have other things to do." Me: "Got it. Thanks." Wife: "Are you sure you have it? Did you hear me? Are you wearing your hearing aids?" Me: "I'm not a confused old man. I hear just fine. Payless Pharmacy." Wife: "The one in Lafayette by the Mall." My wife left and a short time later I left to meet her and drove straight to Payless in West Lafayette. When I got there, I went to the pharmacy window and gave my name. Me: "I have an appointment here." Pharmacist: "I'm sorry. We don't have an appointment for you." Me: "My wife made it. She's here too." Pharmacist: "I'm sorry sir she isn't here. Are you sure you weren't supposed to go to a different Payless? This is Payless West Lafayette. Wait, I can see on our computer that you and your wife actually have appointments at Payless in Lafayette near the Mall." Me: "Oh yeah. Well, can you give me the shot?" Pharmacist: "Yes sir, we'll take care of you. And I've been in touch with Payless by the Mall. I told them you are here instead of there. And they said they'd tell your wife who is waiting for you there. Please have a seat." I can't be certain of it. But I swear I heard the pharmacist tell the technician giving the shots, "We've got a confused old man here who doesn't know where he is. But he needs a booster. Give it to him quickly and send him on his way back to his wife, if she'll take him." The booster went fine. I handled this the way I always do when I get a shot. I turned my head in the other direction and screamed. Me: "When are you going to do it?" Technician: "I'm already done. I just put on the band-aid." Me: "Will this shot do anything to improve my short-term memory?" I don't remember if she answered. I drove home. My wife was waiting for me. Wife: "How did you go to the wrong pharmacy? We discussed this several times. You said you understood." Me: "I don't know. The good news is, while I forgot which pharmacy had my appointment, I got the booster and I remembered to bring my vaccination card, so I didn't forget everything." Actually, after leaving for the pharmacy I remembered I had left my cell phone at home and when I went back to get it, I discovered I had also forgotten my vaccination card. They were together on the kitchen counter so I wouldn't forget them. I guess I forgot to tell that part of the story to my wife. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. So --all's well that ends well. The morning after the booster my arm was a little sore. But that went away quickly. The only other thing I noticed was that I woke up the next morning with the song "Ragtime Cowboy Joe" running through my head, again and again. And I couldn't get rid of it for two days. I Googled this and didn't find any mention of "Ragtime Cowboy Joe" as a side effect to the booster. But it happened to me. So, there you have it. If any of you have a similar experience, let me know. We'll sing a duet.